The Course

Total of course commitment summary:( approximately 196.5 hours)

35 in-class training hours. Practicum of 50 session 2 hours each session and 5 case studies with a minimum of 3 session each.
Complete 25 workbook hours of home-study.
Write a 2 hour written exam with in 3 months of the last day of class.
There will be a mandatory review of 3 hours before you take the practical exam and complete a 1.5 hour practical exam with in 1 year from the last day of the class.

Additional 5 hours time in-class training
5 hours review before you take the RCRT exam and
5 hours additional practical work to enhance your skills.

The objectives of this course are to:
– Introduce the principles of foot reflexology;
– Introduce the anatomy, biomechanics and some pathologies of the foot;
– Show how to” read the map of the body” on the feet;
– Offer a protocol to safety and professionally reflex various zones and points of the feet;
– Help the student achieve the highest professional standards of practicing foot reflexology.

This course are splitting to 2 modules( Common Core and Foot Reflexology)

Common core
. Intro to reflexology
. Intro to anatomy and physiology
. Intro to meridians
. Business and marketing
. Ethics
. Client intake

Foot Reflexology
. Intro to the foot
. Anatomy and physiology applied to the foot
. Foot standards of practice
. Foot method
Including the history and the theory of reflexology
. Reflexology treatment protocol
. Reflexology case history
. Structure and function of the foot
. Foot checkup and assessment
. How to Emphasis for specific condition in reflexology, and learn the zones and location of reflexes.